It was a lovely sunny day, which the last one could be rolled back to months ago.
The one and only Tour dé Scarb Rd. was held during theis wonderful day,and yes, I'm part of the Tour, I made my decision just before we depart. We? Me and Dylan loo...
(east to west)
(west to east)
After changed to a more suitable clothing, here the way we goo..

It was a 9.4 kms tour to Scarborough, it took us 35 mins on bike..
Interest in any Italian car? Prancing Horse or Maserati?
Line between blue sky and blue ocean just in front.
Isn't it?
A bottle of coke with beach.. what an enjoyment~
Pair of shoes and a helmet... here we go..
During the journey, we did stopped at Scarborough Beach for about 2 hours, and then head back home by the original path.
On the way back home, we went Westfiled shopping centre for a look as well as IKEA Perth. It was around 4.20 p.m and we decided to take a 'short cut', by taking train to Glendalough, ride over the steepest hill and... home~