Friday, April 23, 2010

Red bull Bull Air Race Perth '10 Part II

Alright guys, aren't that those photos that I uploaded in the previous post aren't good enough? or it's too few for you guys to enjoy?? Don't worry, here is the part II of my photo!

Race Session/Day:

Flags on grandstand

The legendary Mustang!

Oh NO they gonna crash~~
Don't worry, just illusion..

After the race, all smokes stayed on the river as there was no breeze

Champion Hannes Arch, 2nd Matt Hall, 3rd Paul Bonhomme

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Red Bull Bull Air Race Perth '10

Hi everyone, believe it or not, Red Bull Air Race was in Perth last week! It was just... m... how to say... AMAZING! I never had that feeling before for watching any sport event, both broadcasted and live. I can't imagine how I will become if both Melbourne and Adelaide give up to organise the F1 race and decide to move it to here :p Here is a bunch of photos dedicated for you guys... ENJOY!

Qualifying Session/day

Friday, April 16, 2010

Red Bull Friday

Hi guys, it had been a long time didn't update this blog..

Today, second practice day for the weekends' Red Bull Air Race. Glad that there was no classes for me and able to go and snap some photos!

That was an unpleasant day, half the sky was cloudy and another half? sunny. Quite challenging for metering and also for me, whom didn't own/has a zoom lens, what a sham :(

You see! Everyone is using ZOOM!!